서브 컨텐츠
Chemistry is often defined as "the systematic study of everything", which means that it is the study of everything that occupies space and possesses mass. This includes material composition, properties, and the changes undergone in reaction with other substances. We live in a world in which chemistry plays a central role, so chemistry is a critical part of our society. Modern medicines, computer chips, refining metals, plastics, and fertilizers are a result of chemistry. Chemistry is not limited to beakers and laboratories. It is all around us, and the better we know chemistry, the better we know our world.
What Do You Study?
Year 1
Calculus and Recitation 1, Calculus and Recitation 2, Physics and Laboratory 1, Physics and Laboratory 2, Chemistry and Laboratory 1, Chemistry and Laboratory 2, Biology and Laboratory 1, Biology and Laboratory 2
Year 2
Industrial Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry 1·2, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Organic Chemistry 1·2, Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1, Physical Chemistry 1·2, Physical Chemistry Exercise 1·2, Physical Chemistry Experiment 1, Environmental Chemistry
Year 3
Physical Chemistry 3, Physical Chemistry Exercise 3, Physical Chemistry Experiment 2, Inorganic Chemistry 1·2, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Biochemistry 1·2, Biochemistry Laboratory, Organic Chemistry 3, Organic and Polymer Synthesis Laboratory, Instrumental Analysis 1·2, Chemical Kinetics, Theoretical Organic Chemistry, Functional Polymer Chemistry 1
Year 4
Organic Synthesis, Special Topics in Chemistry 1·2, Organometallic Chemistry, Qualitative Organic Analysis, Electroanalytical Chemistry, Functional Polymer Chemistry 2, Energy Materials Chemistry
Careers and Graduate Destinations
All major chemical companies send requests for our students throughout the year. Many smaller companies and academic institutions also contact individual faculty members when positions become available. Such openings are made known to all the students, and every effort is made to find suitable jobs for our graduates. Strong ties exist between the Department and the chemical industry. Our graduates hold industrial or academic positions, or they are employed by government research institutions.