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About School

1971 ~ 1980

1971 - 1980 history
1979.09.20 First academic symposium for East-West Medicine was held
1976.10.31 Department of Oriental Medicine promoted to College of Oriental Medicine
1976.10.27 International Symposium for Eastern Medicine was held
1975.03.17 Opening of the Yeongdungpo branch of the Oriental Medicine hospital
1974.10.04 Affiliation with China Medical School in Taiwan
1974.05.18 Opening of the Zhongfeng[中風, stroke] Center
1974.03.01 Opening of Oriental Medicine doctorate level graduate program
1973.12.14 Opening of East-West Medicine Cancer Research Center
1973.09.25 Third International Conference for Acupuncture and Moxibustion
1972.11.08 First successful drug-free acupuncture anesthesia
1971.10.05 Opening of the Kyung Hee Medical center affiliated Oriental Medicine hospital