Purpose of Establishment
The Institute of Korean Medicine makes general academic, institutional plans and researches ways of executing these plans in order to restore Korean Medicine and to create new medicine.
Target Projects
The institute performs the following projects to accomplish its purpose of establishment.
1. Investigation, research, and verification of core research areas of each research sector2. Research on various items of acceptance and notification of results3. Research on medical policies and making suggestions to deliberative bodies and related institutions4. Theme-based intensive study according to the entire research plan5. Issuing periodical publications of the institution 6. Other projects required to accomplish the institute's purpose
Main Projects
1) Annual Activity
ㄱ. External and school-funded researchㄴ. Periodic and international conferencesㄷ. Publication of periodicals (Bulletin of Kyung Hee Institute of Korean Medicine and English Journal)
2) Research Summary and Performance
ㄱ. Basic and clinical research in various fields related to KMㄴ. Through researches funded by the Korea Research Foundation, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Education and school funding, further advance Korean Medicine and its academic development.
3) What we do and prospects
ㄱ. Basic scientific research on principles of Korean Medicineㄴ. Distribution and development of general research techniques required in KM researchㄷ. Supplying researchers that could contribute to KM researchㄹ. Cooperation in the mutual-assistance structure bewteen research institutions of KM and others.